How to enrol

Procedures and Guidelines for Student Enrolment

General Inquiries

For initial enquiries parents are directed to the school website. Al Sadiq College provides information in relation to fees and projected costs.


Students enrolling at school for the first time will be five years of age on or before 31 July.


Formal Enrolment

  1. If the parent decides to seek enrolment an application form and information pack are provided. Parent completes and returns application form.
  2. If approved and there is space available, then the Administrator arranges an interview time for the Principal and parents.
  3. If approved but there is no space the Administrator informs parents. The Administrator recommends that parents complete Step 6 so that the student is on Waiting List. If this is done a letter is sent to parents thanking them and informing them that as a place becomes available they will be invited to enrol their child.
  4. Parents and Principal meet to complete Student Background Form and set a start date. In the case of Kindergarten enrolments for the following year the process will be:
  5. Sibling interviews and offers first. We will interview non-sibling families but not make offers until we have offered all the sibling enrolment places. Offers to non-sibling families will be based on chronological order.
  6. Parents will be required to pay a non-refundable $300.00 enrolment fee as part of the acceptance procedure.
  7. Fees are paid. Uniform and other items completed.
  8. Student commences. Meetings with teachers and parents.
  9. Copies of the Student Background Form are provided to the class teacher and onto the student’s school file.
  10. The Principal's interview notes will be used to create the class lists. These will be based on a mix of gender, pre-school attendance and any other factors nominated by the parents.
  11. Learning Support Department completes diagnostic entry test. Results will be provided to the teacher and a copy placed on the student's school file. The Learning Support Department and teacher consult regarding any action.