Career Advice & Services


Welcome to Al Sadiq College Careers Department

Career development is not just about providing students with related information about careers and courses, it is about encouraging students to explore their personal strengths, interests and opportunities, allowing them to develop and be equipped with the necessary tools to compete in this rapidly changing work environment.

At Al Sadiq College, we endeavour to prepare our students for their transition from school to work or study through a range of different educational and employment programs.

The Careers Program consists of classroom lessons, small group seminars, excursions, individual careers counselling, practice interviews, guest speakers, onsite careers and course presentations from institutions and industry, work experience and much more.

Our school careers website provides quality, current career information, from post school options to workplace learning with a range of resources for student and parent use. The website has a student secure area which requires a log on, where students can complete career quizzes, investigate specific careers in detail, record their career plans and build a resume.

For further information or assistance please contact our Careers Advisor, Ms Simone Younis.

Careers Advisor
Ms Simone Younis
114 Waterloo Road
Greenacre NSW 2190
Phone: (02) 8199 9600

Mobile: 0430 015 065
